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Friday, April 2, 2010

End of Induction

The last couple weeks have been somewhat challenging and fatiguing. Towards the final days of his steriod regimen, Casper started to experience some severe side-effects. In addition to the freaky amount of weight gain (see pics), he also lost the ability to balance and stand up. Additionally, the drugs severely altered his personality, and we felt as if we were witnessing him morph into a completely untamed wild animal in front of our eyes. During the past few days of the 'roids he spent literally all day and all night growling and crying (in-between mouthfuls of macaroni and cheese). Any attempt by us to soothe him was predictably returned with a swipe and a "Go Away," or a "I don't like...". He was very upset and in chronic pain, and Spencer and I felt quite helpless in our efforts to comfort him. We were able to keep him well fed though, Spencer spent a couple weeks on the couch downstairs primed to respond to Casper's requests for food throughout the night.

Thursday the 25th of March marked the last day of Induction, which also meant the last day of steriods (at least for the time being). Casper went into the hospital and had another bone marrow aspirate, lumbar puncture and the picc-line in his arm was replaced with a "port." The results from these tests are a crucial factor in predicting how he should (in theory) respond to treatment, and in determining which protocal in the treatment "road map" he will be taking.

We received the results back from these tests this past Tuesday, and we were cautiously optimistic to learn that Casper has continued to respond very well to treatment, and that he is officially termed "in remission" at this time :0). His treatment protocol at this point should be the most benign, toxicity-wise, of the four arms on the map, but as with all the protocals it will remain a three-year program.

It's amazing to see the resiliency of youth. Within a day of being off the steriods, the storm cloud above Casper's head subsided and the rate at which the transformation took place was astonishing. The past few days have felt surreal, it has really been therapeutic to see him smiling, laughing and cuddling, and all of us have felt emotionally re-charged by the return of his quirkly little personality. Unfortunately, Casper still hasn't gained back the use of his legs yet. The doctors are confident that this is a side effect of both the steriods combined with one of the chemotherapy drugs, Vincristine. He still has one more dose of Vincristine so this may not change for a while, but the good news is at least he's deflating, so carrying him around is not quite so crippling!


  1. Hi, I just came across your blog as a link from my friend, Sara Ells. I can not imagine how your family's lives have been turned upside down over the past 6 weeks but I just wanted to let you know I will be thinking about your little guy.

    My son was born with a rare genetic disorder and we are often up at Dorenbecher, at least once a week, for clinic. I would be happy to come by and see you all next time we are there. You can check our blog out if you would like:

    We recently had a young friend go through chemo up there as well for osteosarcoma. He is in complete remission and doing well! I am happy to put you in touch with his family if you would like, but I'm sure you are meeting people all around you with similar stories.

    My best to you as you travel this road with your little warrior. My Nathan went through 5 major surgeries and 9 hospitalizations in the first 18 months of his life, never knowing if he would survive each surgery. So yes, the resiliency of youth is amazing!

  2. hello family,

    i don't know where to begin with words to describe how deeply moved i was when i received your email about casper. it has been months since we have talked and now realize the challenges that your family has been faced with.

    i have no experience or statements that will offer any solace, but want you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. if you need someone to come over to help cook, clean, hang out, wear a funny outfit and jester around your living room for entertainment, you must call me!

    this is a time to reach out, thank you for having the strength to share your story with us. a very good friend of mine had leukemia when she was casper's age. she is a healthy, wonderful, and a bright light in my life. if you want to meet or chat with her, i am certain she would be available.

    i love you guys and REALLY hope to see you soon.
    please call when you can, or i will just show up on your front porch with puppy ears and a tutu

    with love, em

  3. Dear Maria and Spencer:
    This is Paige and Mark from Casper's birthing class. Thank you for including us on your list. My brother had AML as we were growing up and he is now a pediatric MD in Seattle. His former oncologist is now at Doernbecher...I have a feeling (as indicated above) you're in the best hands for Casper's successful treatment.

    We, too, will contribute our most loving and precious thoughts toward the strength of your family, hearts and treatment. Taking it day by day seemed to be the easiest way to hold on to some semblance of normalcy, sanity and the ability to bring some levity to the situation (oh, the silliness we were able to muster - and document!). We'll continue to check in via your blog to see if there is anything else we can do to help along the way.

    Our hearts and loving thoughts are with you and yours. Paige, Mark & Gralie

  4. Maria, Spencer, Casper & Amalie -

    You guys are constantly in my thoughts. All of the pictures of a smiling Casper on your blog reminded me how amazingly resilient humans (and particularly kids) are. I pray for all of your spirits to stay high through these challenges.

    I will check in often for updates and hopefully as things get more routine we will be able get together. Don't hesitate to reach out should you need anything.

    My positive thoughts are with you guys...Katy, Andy & Nick
